Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009 - The Year of Focus

There's been all sorts of talk among my friends about choosing a one word theme for 2009, as opposed to setting resolutions and specific goals. This was an idea that I believe should be credited to Christine Kane, but one that carries much merit. 

For instance, it's way easier for me to remember a one-word mantra than to visualize a page of scribbled thoughts.

Hence my Year of Focus.

"Shut up and Paint," which has been written overtop the studio door for a couple years, will get masked out, and "FOCUS" will be written fancifully on the wall.

I could FOCUS and do that today, but instead will FOCUS on the boys and figure out how they can access email through their new handhelds while still preserving our parental controls/screening. Then I will FOCUS on balancing my checkbook, which I have neglected for a little too long. And then I will FOCUS on making a killer breakfast-for-dinner feast for the family, our New Year's Day tradition.

Next week I'll be able to FOCUS on studio work. But for now, the FOCUS is on family.

Happy New Year!!

PS If you have a minute, you might want to FOCUS your eyes on my new Etsy store, one that has over 80 paintings for sale!! will get you there. Keying in "DOGADAY" during checkout will get you 20% off any paintings on canvasboard.

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